West Kent College
Brook St

2020-2021 academic year TBC.
Please do register if this is of interest.


Our GCSE and A level revision sessions at West Kent College are a great way to boost achievement, improve results and realise potential.

2020-2021 academic year TBC.
Please do register below if this is of interest.

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How is the camp structured?

The sessions are delivered to small groups of up to 10 students and are split where possible by ability level. All of our camps include two assessments per subject/module so we are able to measure progress. Progress data is available after the camp. Camps are delivered by qualified teachers.

GCSE subjects, as much as possible, are split based on ability level and/or tier group. If there are not enough pupils at the same level we will provide differentiated work and teaching within the group. GCSE courses are suitable for all exam boards.

The booster sessions are targeted for year 11 students looking to take their GCSE exams this academic year.


Camp Dates


GCSE – 2 Day Course (£150) / 1 Day Course (£75)

Each day will run from 9:30am – 3:30pm.



We are here to help

For more information on camps, give us a call on 01628 617 004 or send us an email: info@winchmorecamps.com

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